Better Balance, Better Being

  Zoe Nitsun Newsletter

I read somewhere that statistically speaking 2020 wasn’t the most stressful time in history.  It was the eighth most stressful time in  history. But luckily stress and hardship isn’t a competitive sport.  How we felt was how we felt. Some found it oppressive, some enlightening, some bored, some maddening and most some combination of it all.  Connecting through yoga has been my love for the last two decades.  This year it was different but I am so so grateful that so many of you stay connected.  I have realized how much I crave that connection to like minded people and I want to keep in better touch in this New Year. 

Looking forward to passing along thoughts, healthy tips, discoveries and hopefully good giggles too (like how long it took me to find a stinking template) in this weekly (or bi-weekly)    Newsletter. Here is my virtual schedule:

Tuesday 8-9am www.PSK4life.com

Wednesday 930-1030am Vinyasa www.reachyogaglencoe.com

Thursday 8-9am *Asana Flow www.reachyogaglencoe.com 

*no vinyasa class suitable for all esp those with wrist/shoulder stuff

Looking forward to staying connected….Love, Zoe